Monday 27 August 2007

catch-up 2

Just over a week ago, I visited Manchester and spent a couple of days there. I've been visiting the city every 3 or 4 years since 1994. The changes that have taken place there are striking, and all for the better (? But what do I know? It's not as if I live there!). It's always a pleasure to return, especially now that the train journey is quicker and more efficient (and to think that in the past I would attempt these visits as a day trip!). It's a vibrant and exciting place, and I could easily spend more time there. This time around, more than ever before, I was transported back to my early teens: devouring the music press, listening to The Smiths, worshipping their music, savouring every little reference on the sleeves and run-out grooves of their records, feeding insatiably on the interviews. I'm impressed by the pride Manchester has in its local heroes, especially the musical ones: you are reminded of it constantly (in the museums and in the record shops... and it doesn't come across as tacky or naff); Morrissey is now a colossus of popular culture, on the surface no longer an outsider- how different is that to way he was received and perceived (by those outside of the cognoscenti) during his 80s heyday?

By brilliant accident, I came across an exhibition celebrating the Hacienda (in the recently opened URBIS space/museum/gallery). As part of that, there was some fantastic footage from The Tube ('legendary' 80s music programme, international readers). I was particularly taken with the clips of Madonna dancing and miming to 'Holiday' and 'Burning Up' back in '83/'84 (classic, and familiar to fans). It's compelling viewing, in all of its charming naivety (the between song gap reminded me so much of school kids preparing for a performance in assembly). She's accompanied by two dancers, one of whom is her brother (I'm sure Madonna watchers can tell me what he's doing these days, but whatever happened to the woman dancer, Erika Belle?). For the record, 'disco Madonna' is by far my favourite Madonna mode (of which there are several).

I'm still in Paris, still enjoying the experience (fingers crossed that it stays that way).

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